We have partnered with West River Academy to document your child’s education at Nosara Playhouse and to provide academic transcripts. West River Academy is considered an “umbrella school” which means your child’s enrollment allows them to self-educate under the umbrella of a private school. We enroll all students (1st through 8th grade) as a group and work directly with West River to create transcripts at the end of each school year. Students will receive credit for all activities at the Playhouse. Certificates of Enrollment are also available.

Accreditation through West River Academy allows us the flexibility to determine our own curriculum and provide what we believe is the most enriching learning experience for your child. West River Academy is accredited by the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (NALSAS), an organization that accredits alternative schools in the U.S and abroad. Their website is nalsas.org.

Every school has different requirements for admission, so it is your responsibility to check with your school or school district if they accept transcripts from West River Academy.

Nosara Playhouse tuition covers the cost of enrollment with West River Academy, transcript fees and Certificates of Enrollment. Notarized or Apostilled transcripts can be requested for an additional fee.

For more information, please visit their site directly: West River Academy